manifest abundance affirmations for women over 50 {that really work!} 💰 💖 🚘 🏡 👩‍❤️‍👨

Have you heard all about manifesting and using affirmations, but you're unclear on how they both go together so that you can quickly manifest anything that you desire?

In today's post I'm going to share with you my favorite affirmations that are going to turn you into a manifesting machine! Plus, I'm going to share with you an extra powerful affirmation that I use every single day to create a life that I absolutely love. So be sure to grab a pen and a piece of paper, because you're going to want to write these down.

So if you've never used affirmations before, let me just tell you quickly how and when to use them.

Affirmations are powerful, positive phrases spoken in the present tense that declare to the universe what it is that you desire. You can use them in the morning while looking in the mirror and while brushing your teeth, you can use them in the shower. You can use them while driving. And you can use them anytime you have a negative thought creep into your head.

Positive affirmation 1

“I can attract whatever I want into my life”

This is a super powerful affirmation and can be used for almost anything. And you can also make it more specific if you'd like to, by changing the wording just a little bit to read “I can attract the most amazing relationships into my life”.

So if you're feeling down or if your mind keeps telling you that you're only attracting unhealthy relationships, use this affirmation to declare what it is that you do want.

Every time you have a negative or disempowering belief, replace it with a positive affirmation.

Positive Affirmation 2

“Anything that I focus on gets manifested into my life”

This is a great reminder that wherever your attention goes is where the energy flows. So if you're focusing on the negatives in your life, like your poor health, the lack of money in your bank account, or the relationships that just aren't up to snuff, you're going to continue to manifest more of the same. So this is a reminder again, to put your attention on what it is that you desire, not what you want to be rid of.

Positive affirmation 3

“I have an abundance of health, wealth, and love in my life”

Oftentimes when we're struggling in different areas of our life, we forget about everything that's going right. So if you just had a fight with your spouse, your mind might be focusing on all the negatives. But this affirmation is a great reminder to focus on everything that's going right. Your health, your finances, your children, your friends, and the relationship with your spouse. Even if you're in a disagreement in this moment.

This is me sitting along the banks of the Taylor River in CO. Enjoying my very best life!

Positive Affirmation 4

“I am attracting wealth, financial freedom and money in abundance”

This affirmation is super powerful because just about every woman that I work with is looking for that financial freedom and abundance.

And sometimes they can get overwhelmed and frustrated when it seems to be taking longer to manifest than they would want it to.

This affirmation keeps them focused on that positive, that abundance, manifestation and away from the struggle or the obstacles that they would otherwise be focused on. There is an absolute abundance of everything in this universe.

Positive affirmation 5

"I can achieve anything that I want to”

As a woman over 50, you may be thinking that your list of things that you can accomplish in your life is a heck of a lot shorter than it was, maybe, when you were 20. And I'm here to tell you, that's absolutely not the case! You can, and will, achieve anything that you want to, once you believe this statement to be absolutely true.

Think about this,

Laura Ingalls Wilder published Little House on the Prairie at the age of 65.

Julia Childs released our first cookbook at the age of 50.

Kathy Bates didn't become a household name as an actress until she was well into her fifties.

Use this affirmation anytime your mind is telling you that you're too old to achieve something that you really desire to achieve.

And now I want to share with you my favorite, all time bonus tip for positive affirmations.

"I Am Enough!"

And it's one that every single woman should be telling herself every single day “I am enough”.

But what does this mean, exactly?

You're telling yourself the universe, and everybody around you, that you are enough just the way you are.

You don't have to prove anything to anybody.

You don't have to do anything.

You don't have to be anybody other than exactly who you are.

You are enough just as you are!

And I want to tell you that this one affirmation has the power to completely transform your life!

written by:

karen davis


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Hi there! Karen here. I'm a 50-something solo female traveler who's been exploring the US since 2020

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